Simple activity to warm up stackers and review stacking patterns
Establish a perimeter with markers or cones. Build the perimeter as large as possible. Each stacker sets one cup on the floor outside of the perimeter and this cup is now their ‘home base’.
Stackers then place their remaining 11 cups randomly inside the activity area. It’s best to have colors mixed up and not clustered together. Once the stackers are finished placing their cups inside the activity area, they go back to their home base and wait for the ‘go’ signal.
On the ‘go’ signal; stackers move in and out of the activity area collecting one cup at a time and returning it to their home base. The cups they collect must be the same color as their home base cup. Once stackers have retrieved all 11 cups, completing their set of 12, they stack a designated pattern, and then signal their completion by raising their hand.