
  • Practice sport stacking skills
  • Work with teammates to complete challenges
  • Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior
  • Recognize challenge in physical activities can lead to success


  • One set of Speed Stacks per student
  • One StackMat and Timer per team

Instant Cardio Activity (5-10 Minutes)

Lesson activities are meant to offer movement and reinforce sport stacking techniques. Depending on available time, these can be repeated or combined. Use the suggested activities below or choose from the complete Cardio Activity list

Fetch 12

Simple activity to warm up stackers and review stacking patterns.

Teach (10 Minutes)

The Cycle-Transitions and Putting It All Together

The Cycle consists of the following pattern: 3-6-3 to 6-6 to 1-10-1 to 3-6-3.

The 6-6

  • Demonstrate and review the 6-6 using the 3-2-1 method.
  • Stackers practice upstacking and downstacking the 6-6.
  • Walk around and check for proper stacking technique.
  • Demonstrate and practice together as a class.
  • Play a fitness activity using the 6-6.

The Two Transitions

  • 3-6-3 to 6-6:
    • All upstack a 3-6-3.
    • Back to the beginning and downstack a 3-6-3. Stop.
    • Using one hand, downstack this last three and bring it over to the first 3-Stack.
    • Using the 3-2-1 method, upstack the first 6-Stack, then the second 6-Stack.
    • Repeat several times. Call out cues and keep everyone together.
  • 6-6 to 12 cup column:
    • Downstack the first 6-Stack keeping three cups in each hand.
    • Use the cups in your hands to downstack the second 6-Stack.
    • Two moves - slide out and pop on center, ending in one column of 12 cups.
    • Repeat with the second transition several times.
  • Putting It All Together:
    • Now combine ALL of the above (3-6-3 to 6-6 to 1-10-1 to 3-6-3).
  • Practice several times.

Fitness Cardio (10-20 Minutes)

Lesson activities are meant to offer movement and reinforce sport stacking techniques. Depending on available time, these can be repeated or combined. Use the suggested activities below or choose from the complete Cardio Activity list


Team based activity thatincorporates running and stackingguaranteed to get the heart racing.

Cool Down (10-20 Minutes)

Depending on available time, these can be repeated or combined. Use the suggested activities below or choose from the complete Cardio Activity list

Strength / Flexibility Stacking

Individual flexibility and strength / endurance sport stacking activity.

Grade Level Progressions for Sport Stacking: Cycle

Grade Level Description
K-2 Accurately completes the pattern and sequence of the Cycle
3+ Completes the Cycle using efficient transitions

Assessment of Upstacking the Cycle

Grade Level Not Yet Getting There Got It Wow
K-2 Does not have sufficient skills to learn the Cycle Completes the Cycle with cues or visual aids Accurately completes the pattern and sequence of the Cycle Completes the Cycle using efficient transitions
3+ Completes the Cycle with cues or visual aids Accurately completes the pattern and sequence of the Cycle Completes the Cycle using efficient transitions Develops own style for completing the cycle and can correctly fix fumbles

SHAPE America Standards

S1.E1.5bCombines locomotor and manipulative skills in a variety of small-sided practice tasks/game environments.
S2.E3.5aApplies movement concepts to strategy in game situations.
S3.E2.3-5Actively engages in all the activities of physical education.
S3.E4.3-5Recognizes, demonstrates and identifies the need for warm up and cool down to various physical activities.
S4.E3.3-5Accepts and respectfully gives feedback to peers.
S5.E2.3Discusses the challenge that comes from learning a new physical activity.
S1.M25.6-8Demonstrates correct technique for a variety of skills in one self-selected individual performance activity.
S3.M6.6-8Participates in moderate to vigorous physical activity
S4.M1.6-8Exhibits responsible social behavior.
S5.M3.6Recognizes individual challenges and copes in a positive way.

Assessment of SHAPE America Standards

When you print, this will be a full sheet that you can use to assess your student's progress.
We also offer a spreadsheet version if you prefer to copy and past your student's names.

SHAPE Standard

Student Name
Susie Stacker


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