
  • Learn the 3-6-3
  • Differentiate movements in personal and general space
  • Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior
  • Recognize challenge in physical activities can lead to success
  • Recognize that when you move fast, your heart beats faster


  • One set of Speed Stacks per student
  • Even number of students per color team

Instant Cardio Activity (5-10 Minutes)

Lesson activities are meant to offer movement and reinforce sport stacking techniques. Depending on available time, these can be repeated or combined. Use the suggested activities below or choose from the complete Cardio Activity list

Simple Stack Tag

High energy game of tag combining sport stacking and movement skills.

Teach (10 Minutes)

The 6-Stack

  • Demonstrate a 6-stack to your stackers.
  • With three cups, practice dropping one cup at a time into the palm of your non-dominant hand.
  • Practice picking three cups up with dominant hand; two with the other; leave one (upstack using the 3-2-1 method).
  • Downstack in two moves- slide out and down, then pop on center cup.
  • Have stackers practice just the 6-Stack.

Teach the 3-6-3

  • All cups in a downstacked 3-6-3.
  • Stackers point with both hands to the side to start on.
  • Use the mirror technique.
  • Upstack the 3-6-3 together then "freeze", go back to where you started, then downstack together.
  • Repeat several times.
  • Have stackers practice for a few minutes; walk around and check for proper stacking technique.
  • Review fumbles and how to fix properly.

Indy 500

Race around the track for partner fitness fun.

Cool Down (5-10 Minutes)

Depending on available time, these can be repeated or combined. Use the suggested activities below or choose from the complete Cardio Activity list

Strength / Flexibility Stacking

Individual flexibility and strength / endurance sport stacking activity.

Grade Level Progressions for Sport Stacking: 3-6-3

Grade Level Description
K Uses 2 hands when upstacking and downstacking a 6-stack. Stacks a 3-6-3 in that order (not 3-3-6).
1 Uses the 3-2-1 method to upstack a 6-stack. Stacks a 3-6-3 in that order.
2 Completes the 3-6-3 with a continuous motion when upstacking and downstacking with confidence and competence.

Assessment of 3-6-3

Grade Level Not Yet Getting There Got It Wow
K Student uses 1 hand when upstacking and/or downstacking a 6 stack Student demonstrates the general pattern of the 3-6-3. May sometimes stack out of order. Student consistently uses two hands when upstacking and downstacking a 3-6-3 and follows correct sequence. Student consistently uses the 3-2-1 method when upstacking and downstacking a 6-stack in a 3-6-3.
1 Student uses 1 hand when upstacking and/or downstacking any part of the 3-6-3. Student consistently uses two hands when upstacking and downstacking each part of the 3-6-3. Stacking lacks fluidity. Student uses a circular motion on the 3-stacks and the 3-2-1 method on the 6 stacks when completing the 3-6-3. Completes the 3-6-3 with a continuous motion on the upstacks and downstacks.
2 Student uses 1 hand when upstacking and/or downstacking any part of the 3-6-3. Student consistently uses two hands when upstacking and downstacking each part of the 3-6-3. Stacking lacks fluidity. Student uses a circular motion on the 3-stacks and the 3-2-1 method on the 6 stacks when completing the 3-6-3. Completes the 3-6-3 with a continuous motion and downstacks only the last 3 stack with one hand. Can explain rules of the 3-6-3 and judge another student accurately.

SHAPE America Standards

S1.E1.K-2Performs locomotor skills while maintaining balance.
S2.E1.KDifferentiates between movement in personal and general space.
S3.E3.KRecognizes that when you move fast, your heart beats faster and you breathe faster.
S3.E3.2Identified physical activities that contribute to fitness.
S4.E4.KShares equipment and space with others.
S4.E6.2Works safely and independently with equipment.
S5.E2.K-2Acknowledges that some activities are challenging, challenge leads to success and can compare activities that bring confidence and challenge.

Assessment of SHAPE America Standards

When you print, this will be a full sheet that you can use to assess your student's progress.
We also offer a spreadsheet version if you prefer to copy and past your student's names.

SHAPE Standard

Student Name
Susie Stacker


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